Friday 29 October 2010

We're all going on a autumn holiday...

Next week we are off on a grand tour of the south coast; I am so so SO excited about having a whole week with my two favourite baldies and about seeing all my lovely buddies.

There has been a frenzy of washing and ironing for a week now and I have a list that is approximately 93 miles long!! The list has several categories with headings, subheadings and footnotes I honestly don't think Napoloen was this organised when he decided to have a go at conquering Europe!!!!! The amount of stuff we're taking for mearly a week is utterly ridiculous and I think we may have to hire Pickfords to help us travel down the A34.

The above was written on Monday, it is now Friday and the smug, organised, capable feeling has dissipated and transformed itself into blind panic!!! The front room looks like some kind of jumble sale is taking place soon with piles of clothes, bedding, towels and other "essentials" haphazardly plonked about the place! The smallest person in the house has 4 different piles - day, night, washing, sleeping, not to mention the entire dinning room table which is groaning under the strain from the items listed under " just in case"!!!

The boot of the car already won't shut and we haven't yet put any suitcases or bags in there it only has the pram and the travel cot and it can't cope!!! Where's the rest of the stuff
going to go?

Instead of tackling this craziness head on, getting sorted and therefore feeling ready and able to go I am currently sitting in Cafe Nero drinking cappuccino and writing this in a state of denial and with the vain hope that somehow, despite myself, it'll all come together and we'll be ready to pick the baldy up from work at 4!!!!!! Just have another coffee then will get on..... Oh and a pain au choc......

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