Monday 4 October 2010

Skinny Jeans - Friend or Foe?!

I approached last weekend with some apprehension; I had agreed to do all the night feeds on Friday and had a hair appointment on Saturday with a new, never before tried hairdresser - is there anything more nerve recking?!! 

So firstly Friday, after damaging myself beyond repair in Total Body Workout the idea of having to get up endlessly through the night, even if it is to see the most gorgeous boy this side of Colin Firth, did not have me thanking Crunchie!!!!  Of course my boy was absolutely wonderful and only woke twice in the night - 12 and 5.30 and even had a bit of a lie in not waking properly until 8 so that was a tip top start to Saturday!!!  But the biggest worry loomed on the horizon; the new hairdresser experience!  My hairdresser, Louise, is brilliant however she has very selfishly gone on maternity leave and is insisting in stopping at home with her new baby when I need my hair sorting out!  Honestly, you just cannot get the staff these days!!  With some trepidation I set off to Broadway for my appointment with fate, and Deborah whoever she may be..... 2 and half hours later I emerge in a Stars in Your Eyes stylee with new hair which could rival even Jenifer Aniston's!!!!  LOVE it, it's nothing amazing and you could possibly be excused for not noticing but I feel like a new women - and the greys are history! 

Following the success of the morning I decide to plunge into the heady world of Saturday shopping.  Since the dawn of time I have always HATED shopping in town on a Saturday - its just TOO busy and hectic and you have to put up with "computer says no" morons sent purely to irritate and torture the reasonable and rational!!  But, new hair makes you feel as though you can conquer the world so off I go to the metropolis that is Redditch.  I have been considering the wardrobe of a new mum and was keen to be more Denis Van Outen/Danni Minouge than Jeremy Kyle contestant so had in mind some new jeans to wear tucked into flat boots with some kind of long-ish top and belt combo.  In my quest for these seemingly innocent items I entered Next where I made the ludicrous decision to try on some skinny jeans - I realise that many of you will not have associated the word "skinny" with me before but new hair can have an extraordinary effect on a persons perception of themselves!!!!!  I should have know things weren't going to go well when getting the thigh part of the jeans over my dodgy calf was a bit of a mission, but I'm no quitter!!  By the time I had them pulled up to my waist strange things were happening to the jeans - they had gone from looking pretty and inviting on the hanger to resembling something akin to a denim sausage casing - definitely more Jeremy Kyle than yummy mummy!  Having decided that skinny jeans were not actually a friend I attempted to remove them from my person.  At this point they took on the qualities of one of those stupid finger trap things - do you remember them?  The ones where you put a finger in each end and the more you struggle the tighter it gets (this sounds wrong, but you know what I mean!)   What do I do?  How do I get the blinking tings off?  Do I call for the size 4 shop assistant and ask if they have some kind of skinny jeans removal machine?!!!  Or perhaps the fire brigade were more appropriat?!  Why oh why did I ever think of putting these ridiculous jeans on?!!!!  Eventually, after roughly 973 hours, I am free from the jeans!!  ALLELUIA!!!!!

Feeling as though it's probably safer if I just avoid all other clothing stores I head to the safety of Cafe Nero, while on my way there I pass the Orange shop...  and bought myself an iPhone!!!  It was slightly more than the new jeans and boots I was planning to buy but all the wrestling had destroyed my new hair and with my injury in mind not to mention  my traumatic experience in Next I felt as though I deserved a shiny new treat!! 


  1. Who needs skinny jeans when they have a shiney new iPhone!!!! Damn Next and their 'finger trap' jeans!
    Fab post Ms Forchetta!
    Noo x

  2. Omg Sarah you should be published, this is hilarious! Has cheered me up as I am having one of those 'I HATE PENSIONS' days (seems like everyday lately)


