Friday 1 October 2010


Last night we had a break through and the boy SLEPT!!!!  WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!  What, I hear you ask, can we attribute this momentous occasion to - BodyPump is the answer!  No, I didn't take him to lift weights but a session with the crazy fitness lady followed by a day with the in laws left me sooooo shattered that I just could not stay awake.  So I had a lovely long soak and was in bed by half past 8!!!  At 11.30 the little man woke up to say hello and see how our evening was but when his pops offered him his midnight snack he wasn't all that interested.  At 1.30am it's my turn and the boy is grumbling, I'm lying in bed, about to attempt movement when..... he stops!!!  Now, of course as soon as the monitor goes quiet I imagine doom and disaster, but there is a small part of me wondering if I could just roll over and go back to sleep, eventually the neurotic mother in me takes over and I stagger upstairs with my thighs screaming to see if baby fork is in peril only to find him happily munching on his fingers and chatting away to the ceiling.  Leaving him to his conversation I happily slump back into my bed, he didn't wake up again until half past 5 and then went back to snooze ville after a light breakfast and didn't wake properly until 8.  SO I've basically had a full nights sleep and I am feeling ACE ACE ACE!!!!!  Feel like I could conquer the world today!!  I just hope that BodyCombat has the same effect tonight - I know my body is feeling the same level of discomfort so fingers crossed!

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