Monday 25 October 2010

How far is too far?!

I have just driven to Warwick services for a Starbucks!!!!! Actually the reason we're in the car is so that the little man doesn't end up in the front garden with a notice saying "free to a good home" pinned to his chest!!! I don't know what is up with his gorgeousness but he has been just impossible to please today; won't sleep, won't eat, won't have kickabout, won't go in his bouncy chair, won't be cuddled, just won't!!!! So in desperation and in a vain attempt not to completely lose it we got in the car so he could sleep and I could have a moment to remember how adoreable he usually is..

Having driven to Warwick the queue in Starbucks is more than I can cope with so we got back in the car to drive home, via Warwick services north bound where I pick up my much needed skinny cap triple shot fix!! The lengths I'll go to for an hours peace....Lordy!!!

It's done the trick though, he's had a little snooze and I've remembered that I love being a mum!!!

PS saw a car on the motorway advertising a website - so could be worse, I could have to spend my day flogging a lime green coffin!!!!!! Crickey!!!

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