Saturday 27 November 2010

Too hot to breathe!

While most of the country is feeling the chill and reaching for a hot water bottle I'm sitting here wishing I had my bikini to hand!!! I'm back visiting the gorgeous in laws who don't seem to be at all concerned about Global Warming, in fact I think they may be singlehandedly responsible for the melting icecaps!!!!

They have a remote control central heating system with a portable thermostat designed to reduce bills by switching off as soon as the room you're in reaches the desired temperature... However it doesn't quite work like that here: the remote system is left in the kitchen - where there is no radiator - because "it turns off within minutes otherwise" Hmmmmm that might be because the rest of the house is like a sauna!!!! They want the heating on until half 8 no matter how ridiculously hot it gets! The boy is asleep upstairs with the window open because it's SO warm and I'm thinking of going up to bed to join him because sitting in the front room is like sitting on the sun!!

Can't type anymore; my fingers are sweating!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha thats so funny
    I was feeling just the same monday wen we visited liam's nan. they have a remote heating and unlike ur inlaws, she has remote right next to her and it still get roasting!!
    I couldn't stop yawning and felt sick at the same time. we were all too polite to say something but wen some1 finally did I was so releived
