Wednesday 3 November 2010

A line has been drawn


This morning I weighed myself and was appalled to see that I have gained a stone since the little man was brought into this world.  Scary, but not enough to stop me from ordering fries with my salad today - oh no, I was still in I'll start tomorrow land at lunch time.  That was soon to change however when I approached an innocent looking lady in order to get myself a poppy.  She was a lovely old dear, having a great day chatting to everyone and being generally charming - until I reached her when she morphed into an evil old cow bag who said "I won't pin you, I don't want your baby to come!"  I stared at her blankly, and looked over to the boy, then down to my (admittedly slightly bulging) tummy and realised with horror that she thought I was STILL pregnant, and not only pregnant but pregnant enough to have a noticeable - it's definitely pregnancy and not just lardiness - bump; that's like 6 months gone!!!!  OH MY LORDY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Operation Fight the Flab has officially started: at 6 I'm off to Body Combat and I pledge to you my dear reader to do some form of exercise every day this week - I'll do 3 classes at the gym and plenty of walking.  I will eat healthily and there will be NO snacking!!   No Slacking, No Snacking that will be my mantra until this baby bump is gone!!!  There are 7 weeks until Christmas and I'm determined to be skinny minnie by then!  Watch this (disappearing) space!!! 

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