Monday 11 July 2011

One too many???

Saturday night husband and I went out for the evening... TOGETHER!!!! We were off to a proper pub, with no wacky warehouse facility, followed by a curry and lots of grown up chat so plenty to look forward to!

Nanny Mac kindly agreed to come and keep an eye on the boy wonder.  We'd had a busy day entertaining so I assured her it wouldn't be a late one and we were more than likely to be home well before midnight - especially as we rarely make it past 9pm these days.

Unfortunately I lost paper scissor stone and had to drive, but still it was a night out and I was excited to not be "mummy" for a few hours. 7 o'clock and the baby was snoozing, Mac had settled in, we were glammed and ready to go. Met everyone in the pub and despite me drinking tonic water while husband was on the beer we were having a top night!  By 9 I was very aware that a) it was approaching bed time, b) I hadn't had any dinner yet and c) husband also hadn't had any dinner but had had several pints!!! I initiated a brief discussion on the best time to go for the curry, suggesting we leave within the next 30 seconds, and was horrified to hear that 10 o'clock was the groups preferred time - 10 o'clock????? What kind of crazy talk is that? I'm normally tucked up in bed well on my way to snoozville by 10 o'clock!

Knowing our curry was going to be more midnight feast than dinner dinner batman I worried that we may not be back at our aforementioned early hour... In fact we didn't make it back until 1.30am!!!!! Lordy! Husband was happily tipsy and I'd had my allowed single glass of vino, all in all it was a wonderful evening and a lot of fun but Nanny wasnt too impressed we'd broken curfew in such a spectacular way!

Sadly the next day was not a lot of fun.. It was daddy's turn to get up with the little man and I very much enjoyed the extra hour in bed. When I did, eventually, emerge from my cozy slumber it came to my attention that my single glass of wine had resulted in a hangover. How can that be??? I only had one glass; ONE! I used to be able to drink gallons of plonk before suffering any ill effects. Becoming a lightweight is a very disappointing aspect of motherhood and one that I think can only be over come by never actually sobering up... Cheers!!

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