Sunday 2 September 2012


Well, it's been a while!! Just a couple of things have happened between my last post and this, the main event being the arrival of another bundle of bonkersness who goes by the name of Captain Cheeky Chops. He arrived at the end of April, a gorgeous little chap who has simply added to the happy, crazy, busy world of Fork.

Another rather...erm...interesting occurrence is my entry to the Birmingham Half Marathon. It's 10 years this year since losing my wonderful mum and I had the brainwave (malfunction) of entering the half marathon to raise a ridiculous amount of money and to challenge myself to achieve something amazing after something so heartbreaking as losing mum. Not to mention the legs like a baby giraffe I will surely be the proud owner of by October.

So far training is going surprisingly well. Saturday I managed a 5 mile trot around the local park. It wasn't easy, certainly not but it wasn't impossible which I personally found extremely encouraging, until that is, I thought that in just 49 days I will be doing that twice with another 3 miles added for good luck. Ohhhhhhh why oh why oh why have I volunteered for this craziness? Why have I decided to put my body, my poor, battered, lazy body through this turmoil??? Why cant I simply send a cheque? Surely Macmillan don't care if I do the run, they only care about the cash, I'll just send a cheque... Or a coffee morning, I could go to a coffee morning, yes eating cakes, drinking coffee, having a chat THAT'S much more my scene... oh yes, I could to 13 miles of cake and coffee...

No, no I've made a commitment, the entry is paid for, the trainers are laced, the sponsorship requests are being sent out and as I've roped my sister and two lifelong buddies into the whole charade I guess its pavement pounding for this Mo Farrah wanna be!

Next run tomorrow... A&E on standby!!!