1) I will not use wanting another baby as an excuse to slob about and eat chocolates
2) I will leave the house every day, even if it's just to go to Sainsbury's (where I will NOT buy chocolate)
3) I will not get cross with my baldy when he's being a plonker and will instead remember that I love him and that he is wonderful
4) I will eat less cheese
5) I will eat less
6) I will not laze about in a slutty manner wearing trackie dacs and watching crappy daytime TV but will instead make an effort with self
7) I will blog more often
8) I will be better at staying in touch with friends and actually call people rather than sending them a text/email/facebook message saying sorry I haven't called!
9) I will become organised; filling post and paper properly rather than piling it up and losing everything!
10) I will attempt to reduce the number of coffees a day back into single digits
11) I will do my pelvic floor exercises twice a day as instructed by the midwife. I will NOT become a Tena Lady!